A Piece of Cake:
Whiskey in the Kitchen
We're still waiting for the season of Netflix's Nailed it! where contestants have to make whiskey bottle or barrel shaped cakes, but in the meantime to celebrate the new season, the Whiskey Women made whiskey cake and invented a drinking game for their favorite baking show! Now you can have your cake and drink it, too!
Whiskey Cake recipe:
1 box of yellow cake mix
1 box of instant pudding mix
5 eggs
1/2 c milk
1/2 c whiskey (we used Uncle Nearest)
3/4 c butter, cut into pieces
1 package of toffee bits
1 c of pecans
pre-heat oven to 350 degrees, spray a pan (original recipe calls for bundt)
stir together cake and pudding mix, then add eggs, milk, whiskey, and butter. Mix well
Stir in toffee bits and pecans
bake about 50 minute (depending on oven!) checking frequently after 30 until toothpick comes out clean
Allow to cool
Nailed It! Drinking Game rules:
the moment when you know a contestant won't win/big fails
Wes appearances
Cliches: cakes won't come out of pan, dropping something, under-baking cake...